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I feel that a part of me dies when talking to the majority of college students. It is mostly due to the fact that they choose a “market driven” approach to work and stop learning after getting a degree.

By “market driven”, I mean the practice of choosing a career that will offer the most opportunities.  And by learning, I don’t mean the ones you do in school. Don’t confuse school and learning. You can go to school without learning anything and you can learn everything without going to school. Learning is a lifelong activity. School is to get a degree. A degree that might not have any relevance to what you are going to do in the future.

Speaking of relevance, learning is easier to do if you find something relevant to learn about. This could be your work, school, or hobby. But choosing what you do is as important as learning how to do it. You have to do something that wakes you up in the morning. Something that you won’t mind doing without sleeping for days. Something that makes you tick.

That means that you have to know what you love to do. This is hard to do. especially if you were brought up expected to become something else. It takes a rebel to break out of the family tradition. But it only takes some thinking, that doing what you don’t love is the worst decision you could possibly make in your whole life. Why? Because you won’t be passionate about it. And nothing great has ever been achieved without passion. You could be good, but never great. What is the purpose of your life if not to achieve something great?

Believe me people, we were born to be great. Stop degrading yourself by going against your calling and living other people’s dreams.  Find what makes you feel great and allows you to be great. If you haven’t found it, keep on searching. It’s better to spend a lifetime searching for what you love than wasting it on something that you don’t love. If you have found it, keep on learning about it. Read books, talk to people, search the internet, the possibilities are endless.

See you at the top.